Oct 20, 2023 | blog
Virtual reality and augmented reality are making their way into the world of education, undoubtedly fueled by the pandemic, and a new horizon is already emerging: the METAVERSE. No barriers, identities tailored to one’s desires, and no geographical limits. The...
Oct 19, 2023 | blog
To talk about corporate coaching, one cannot overlook mentoring, a similar yet distinct action. In fact, the answers to the questions “what does a corporate mentor do” and “what does a coach do in a company” have similar but non-overlapping...
Oct 19, 2023 | blog
Gameful and RécréAction join forces to launch a training campaign conducted by GEFCO, utilizing gamification to make activities that could otherwise be repetitive and dull fun and engaging. The lessons have been created and managed through the BRAVO! platform and are...
Oct 19, 2023 | blog
A Learning Management System (LMS) platform is, by definition, the ideal virtual space for sharing learning modules composed of courses, video lessons, on-demand lectures, etc. That’s why using an online course platform like BRAVO! can be a game-changer for the...
Oct 19, 2023 | blog
June has been an intense month, a month in which a great outpouring of energy has been rewarded with equally great satisfaction: Gameful is one of the Graduating Companies of the ‘EDUCATE Research Training Programme,’ the result of a collaboration between...
Oct 19, 2023 | blog
That companies are not only concerned with employee training is well-known; what we are witnessing today is the rise of ‘customer education,’ which functions similarly to the lower part of the marketing funnel, dedicated to customer loyalty. In fact,...