Would you rather face a wall of knowledge here and now, memorize everything, and pass the exam by regurgitating it all, only to forget it later? Or would you prefer to take a daily knowledge pill and have time to understand it, metabolize it, and discuss it with colleagues? The answer is obvious, BUT, ACTUALLY: Many companies conduct corporate training activities concentrated over a couple of days and then have “update” sessions after 5 YEARS! Why? Not because it’s more effective, but simply because it’s their legal duty. Guess when most workplace incidents occur? At the beginning of assignments when training is not yet complete, but the worker is already operational. Could you remember a lesson from 5 years ago? Once again, the answer is obvious: NO. That’s why companies active in corporate training increasingly make use of microlearning. It’s not us saying it, but the data confirms it: The global microlearning market size within corporate training was valued at USD 1557.48 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 18.02% during the forecast period, reaching USD 4207.92 million by 2028.Fonte [https://lnkd.in/dyzWxnWJ)
The BYOD paradigm in corporate training and its connection to microlearning.

Bring your own device
Furthermore, microlearning used in corporate training aligns perfectly with the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) access paradigm, which is increasingly prevalent in organizations. In essence, the company encourages the workforce to use their own devices, on which corporate services and workflows are installed. It’s easy to imagine how the microlearning service – managed by an LMS (Learning Management System) or an XMS (Experience Management System) – can be more easily accessed via one’s smartphone, anywhere and, security rules permitting, at any time.
The role of microlearning in corporate well-being – another objective of corporate training.

Corporate Wellness
In addition to what has been said, microlearning interventions – especially if they incorporate playful elements, namely gamification or game-based activities – enhance mental well-being and reduce the amount of accumulated stress by providing relaxing and familiar playful elements, as well as offering instant feedback. They represent a significant psychological benefit since, in many corporate activities, the fruits of daily work often materialize only after months of effort. The risk is therefore not being able to perceive the usefulness of one’s work within this large time frame, thus favoring burnout. Instant and continuous performance feedback allows employees to quickly understand the outcome of their work and make real-time improvements. The corporate training function thus becomes increasingly central within corporate wellness initiatives.
What will become of microlearning with the advent of Virtual Reality?

Spatial computing and virtual reality
Corporate training must also contend with this deluge of new terms: Virtual reality, mixed reality, augmented reality; recently, Apple has coined the new term: spatial computing. The meanings of these terms diverge little, in fact: we are talking about a layer of information and services added to the layer of reality in a more or less pervasive manner. In the case of virtual reality, the level of pervasiveness is maximal, thus excluding the external world entirely, while in all other cases, there is some level of contact with the external world, more or less extensive. How will microlearning enter this world? How will HR responsible for corporate training choose to act? There are still few studies on this matter and even fewer reliable projections. What we, as learning sector operators, expect is that microlearning will enter through the main entrance and take a prominent seat, also through the use of these new technologies. We envision this because all the benefits of microlearning are not effectively nullified by the use of new immersive devices; rather, they can only be enhanced by their use. We imagine that technical solutions and tutorials will increasingly utilize these technologies, but let’s not forget the use of storytelling and storydoing as powerful motivational tools – in this case, the voluntary suspension of disbelief that the narrator seeks – will be even more effective thanks to the immersiveness of the device.
Therefore, the answer to the question “Does virtual reality kill the micro-learning stars?” is a clear and definite NO.
Would you like to take a look at the results we’ve achieved working for logistics giants? Together with our partner Recreaction Sarl, we’ve designed corporate training campaigns based on microlearning and gamification. Download here the results of the surveys sent to the employees of the multinational companies for whom we’ve created game-based microlearning campaigns, and if it interests your company, contact us.